Thursday, June 17, 2010

News 6/17/10

(Adriaen Brouwer's 1631 painting: "Unpleasant Duties" Unangenehme Vaterpflichten.)

Today in laughable stupidity:

In closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial yesterday Mr. Cooper Esq. demanded that gay marriage be banned because it breaks the holy bond between "sex and diapers."

Tell that to David Vitter.

Do these people know how ridiculous they are?

The LA Times, and the SF Chronicle have some good summaries of closing arguments out this morning.

In other news:

  • As we approach the 41st anniversary of the events that led to the start of the modern gay rights movement, the NYT reviews Kate Davis and David Heilbroner's new film "Stonewall Uprising." David Carter's book on Stonewall, upon which the film is based, was spectacular by the way. It made my pulse race and my blood boil and I consider it a must-read. Go to your local, independent bookstore and buy a copy today. Go now!

  • Following the President's Tuesday address to the nation, the White House tries to assert itself on climate bill. Is it just me, or is it that every time Obama speaks up, someone has to claim that the the President isn't backing away from his commitments?

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