Saturday, July 17, 2010

Everyone Wants a Kitten...

(...even a lion kitten.)

Special Bonus Non News Related Post!

(Leonard Nimoy enjoying a lollypop. Once again I have no idea where this is from. No copyright infringement intended.)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

News 7/15/10

(Today in not-takin'-any-more-of-yer-damn-crap: Divine. Congratulations Argentina!)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

News 7/14/10

(Today in shoes: The Oxford. Photo courtesy of A Suitable Wardrobe.)

  • Self - righteous, hate - filled gasbag indignant that due process and equal protection apply to gays. I won't link to Maggie Gallagher's whiny, scuzzy essay. If you really want to read the thing go to "Human Events" online and search under her name. You'll be sorry.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

News 7/13/10

(Today in tight-fitting: Actress Bianca Lyons shows of the new (1902) corset. My two cents: Curvy women rule!)

  • To receive breaking news on Judge Walker's imminent Prop 8 ruling, send a text message to 69866 with the single word "equal." The American Foundation for Equal Rights will send you a text as soon as Walker rules. (Hat tip to Dr. Snickerdoodle.)

Monday, July 12, 2010

News 7/12/10

(Today in shoes: The Kitten Heel. Photo by Bret L.)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

News 7/11/10

("I just had to wear a tight uniform and make eyes at Anne Francis. I was pretty thin back then," said Leslie Nielson of his role in the 1956 technicolor, cinemascope, sci-fi goodie Forbidden Planet. ...and don't call me Shirley!)

  • The Federal suit fighting Arizona's new law against brown people who don't talk good English is based on the fact that states have no jurisdiction over immigration. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder chatted about that and other vital things on telly yesterday.

  • Super, happy birthday wishes to Schep, I mean Jim. Hug and a kiss for you - and don't call me Shirley!